Additive Manufacturing Industry News
Quintus Technologies Meets New and Existing Customers Globally
Visitors at our panel discussion event testifies that it provided an increased understanding of Hot Isostatic Pressing and Heat Treatment and its value in the AM industry as well as a great networking opportunity Formnext Panel Discussion Reception at Maritim Hotel The event was hosted by Quintus Technologies, together with senior industry panelists. Key topics discussed included: The challenges existing in moving from prototyping to industrially robust production using AM, the role of automation in post processing, and increasing the productivity of the total production chain and debottlenecking
Strong Presence at Formnext and MS&T We are really happy about the interest our visitors at both Formnext in Franfurt, Germany and MS&T in Columbus, Ohio. We showcased our unique Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) and High Pressure Heat Treatment Process. Read more here
Visitors at our Formnext booth discussing how Quintus is the enabler of AM technology.
Quintus Technologies High Pressure Heat Treatment Advances Capabilities at Lake City Heat Treating
HIP with Uniform Rapid Quenching strengthens Indiana service provider’s offerings for aerospace and orthopedic industries A Hot Isostatic Press that combines high pressure with rapid quenching will advance the capabilities of heat treatment specialist Lake City Heat Treating (LCHT). Investment in the new press from Quintus Technologies, enhances LCHT’s ability to meet demanding customer turnaround requirements by integrating the application of high pressure and heat treatment in a single system. The combined materials densification processes produce parts with improved fatigue and ductile properties to satisfy the critical performance parameters of the aerospace and medical device industries. The QIH-122 URC® model press is the third Quintus HIP to be included in LCHT’s production portfolio. The quenching capability, with controlled cooling rates up to 390°F (200°C) per minute, makes it the first of its kind to be installed in North America. Read more here
Quintus HIP system QIH-122
Additive Manufacturing and High Pressure Heat Treatment with Quintus Technologies
View just how High Pressure Heat Treatment can reduce material imperfections and improve the material properties in Additive Manufacturing post processing. Watch the High Pressure Heat Treatment video
The Ultimate Heat Treatment Solution
Quintus Uniform Rapid Cooling (URC®) and optional Uniform Rapid Quenching (URQ®) furnaces can provide decreased cycle time, higher productivity, and a unique HIP cycle that includes heat treatment. Benefits are reduced energy consumption, reduced costs, improved quality control and the material is ready for following production steps, i.e machining, polishing, etc. Common applications for hot isostatic pressing include defect healing of AM parts (pore elimination), consolidation of Titanium powder and diffusion bonding of dissimilar metals or alloys. Download the brochure!
Book a meeting online to meet our High Pressure Heat Treatment Experts!
Quintus Technologies Introduces QIH-122 Modular HIP
Quintus Technologies has developed a new concept design for its QIH-122, Hot Isostatic Press (HIP) with a furnace dimension of diameter 660 mm and height 1800mm. The new concept design enables easier installation and easier maintenance, faster deliveries and better production environment. The modular approach gives the user many different options for optimizing the HIP system to fit the needs for their particular production route. Watch the video!